Ride for a Great Cause Registration

Blue vs Blue is a  501c3 organization 

My name is Wyonne J. Hale. I am 58 years old and a 36 year Indianapolis Police Master Detective.   
I receive 3 physicals a year, 1 from Public Safety Medical, my private doctor and VA. Since 2019 my PSA level had been climbing. In 2021 during my VA physical, the doctor told me that my PSA had reached 4.3. I was told that it shouldn’t be over 4.0. The doctor scheduled for me to undergo a biopsy. 
 A month later, I received a phone call while I was working an extra job. The voice on the line told me that I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I was shocked and had to sit down. After the phone call, I broke down. My thoughts were, what’s next? Who can I talk to? Am I going to die? My daughter just graduated from High School, Will I be around to walk her down the aisle when she gets married? How will I tell my wife and kids? 
I told a few officers at work and each one told me about officers that had prostate cancer and they gave me their information. I was able to reach out to them and ask questions. Those officers were happy to assist me with my questions. Each officer were in different stages of post-surgery and were a big help.  
After meeting with the doctor, I had to make a decision, 40 sessions of radiation or to have my Prostate removed. I chose to have my prostate removed.  
On Friday August 13th, I underwent surgery at VA hospital In Indianapolis. The surgery was a success and the cancer was contained in the prostate. To this day, the cancer is undetectable.   
This is why Blue vs Blue Prostate Cancer Awareness Organization is so important. It is dedicated to bringing prostate cancer awareness to Law Enforcement Officers. It provides the officer someone to talk to, answer questions and most important, a place to discuss those difficult conversations with fellow officers who have been or is currently going through the same thing.

At the age of 38, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  As you can imagine, I was in disbelief when the doctor informed me that I had cancer.  Before my cancer diagnosis, all I ever heard from several different doctors was, “You are too young for prostate cancer.”  They kept repeating, “Your prostate gland is inflamed, and you have Chronic Prosthetics.” They were eager to say, “Take this pill.” For years I was experiencing a burning sensation when I would urinate and pain in the area of my upper thigh.   After several doctor appointments, a rising PSA, and several prostate gland checks, I was told again, “You are too young for prostate cancer.”  Once my PSA was at 4.12, my doctor scheduled me for a biopsy.  Eight out of the ten tissue samples from my prostate biopsy came back positive. Eighty percent of my prostate gland was affected with cancer, and on December 4, 2014, I had my prostate removed with robotic surgery.

After my surgery and my return to work (back on the beat), I was made aware of several other officers who had or have prostate cancer.  Unfortunately, I would learn we were all around the same age; I just happened to be the youngest.  As law enforcement officers, all of us were dealing with issues, as a result of prostate cancer and/or issues from the surgery.  Nobody was talking about it, and that’s when Blue Vs. Blue was born.